Keys to Church Planting Multiplication - A Great Australian Story!
What are the keys to church planting multiplication? Can it happen in Australia?
What Constitutes A Church?
It has often been said that we need to raise the bar on what it means to be a disciple…
We Have Come To Such A Time
An article from Colin Stoodley, author of The Genius In The Kingdom. We have come to such a time. This…
7 Lessons We’ve Learned Multiplying Churches through Multi-Site
Has the church you’re part of recently considered starting a new campus? 7 Important Lessons We’ve Learned Along the Way
We Need To Take Prayer Out of the Church!
Through the revivals that have happened over the course of history, prayer; passionate persistent prayer has always been a key.…
I Never Wanted To Plant A Church - Tim O'Neill
I never wanted to plant a church. In fact neither my wife Sharon or I had even considered it. But…