Conference Recordings

Oscar Murui

Oscar Muriu challenges us to have faith the size of a mustard seed, and to set goals that can only be achieved with God’s help. In this inspirational message, Oscar challenges us to set goals for how many churches we will plant.

Dave Ferguson | A2A Conference Australia 2021

Dave Ferguson shares some thoughts about how God is hitting the refresh button on the church. He shares some thoughts on Digital Engagement, Micro Churches and Radical Minimums as well as why we must lower the bar on coming to church and raise the bar on what it is to be a follower.

Melinda Dwight | A2A Conference Australia 2021

Melinda Dwight shares why Jesus’ last command should be our first priority with the consequence being that we must focus on the imperative of evangelism and that we have a choice to make; whether we will be leaders who focus on maintenance or mission. Melinda also shares some thoughts on why we have to be flexible with “in person” and “online” and how having a hybrid model we will be able to reach people we have never been able to reach before.