Session 2

Tuesday 17th October: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Regional Director - New Thing Oceania

Workshop Stream:

What is your vision for multiplication? What would it look like if God exploded multiplication in and through your church? What would it look like to join others in reaching your city? What are the roadblockers to Multiplication? These are a few of the questions we will explore together. Using principles taken from the globally tested New Thing Movement System, we will explore some practical strategies whilst also connecting with other kingdom-minded individuals who are passionate about expanding God’s kingdom too. Together, let’s kick church multiplication up a notch!



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

National Director BDC

Workshop Stream:

Join the BDC team to explore some of the key principles, processes, and practices we have developed and uncovered in our own journey of discipleship. We will unpack key strategies to activate people in your church to not only explore and share their own faith, but help their friends find faith in Jesus. We will look at ways that you can start reframing people’s understanding of mission to release them into creative new expressions of “being and bringing the good news of Jesus” to people in their local neighbourhoods and communities.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Founder & Senior Pastor, CentrePoint Church, ACC National Executive Team Member and Director of HarvestNet

Workshop Stream:

The best way to see a community transformed is by planting a church that loves its people. In this session, we will discuss the practical partnership that aims to equip and empower pastors so that plants have the strongest foundation for lifelong growth. The commitment is to plant life-giving and gospel-breathing churches that spread the love of Christ into its community.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Director, Micro Movements

Workshop Stream:

This workshop will talk about why micro churches are particularly effective in the Australian context and give you a framework to plant micro churches in ways that produce fruit that will last. This framework has been developed from healthy Australian micro churches who multiply. The workshop will speak to micro churches as a model of church planting in its own right, and in partnership with existing churches that are seeking to further their reach into their local community.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Mark: Church Planting Assessor, A2A Movement | Gary: Director, Church Health & Church Planting – INC

Workshop Stream:

Questions to ponder – What if were possible to make a prediction for the success of a church plant with a high degree of certainty? What if we could accurately ascertain whether a church planter is “ready” and what future development is required? What is the cost of not being able to do this?

In this workshop we will discuss the essential characteristics of successful church planters, and how we can identify them. Knowing what to look for is the first step. This is not an area for guess work, so let’s take that out!



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Missiologist, Thought Leader, Author

Workshop Stream:

In this workshop Alan will explore the paradigm shifting dynamics of biblical metanoia and how God changes individuals and organizations from the inside out. This will be an introduction into the content and process of his latest book Metanoia.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Leader of Revive The Way

Workshop Stream:

In this workshop we will explore the values, expression and blueprint of the first century church and how these values differ from The Church today. Could a return to the biblical values and expression of ekklesia help propel the modern Church in its mission to make disciples of all nations?



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

National Director, NAYBA Australia

What if increasing the impact of your church in the wider community was actually about doing less? What if God has already equipped your congregation to love others in a way no one else can, and surrounded you with abundant resources to transform your city? Join Nic Mackay as, together, we unpack the results from some of NAYBA’s recent Impact Audits in Melbourne, Sydney and the Gold Coast and explore the unique role for your church within the unified Body of Christ.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Convenor of Vertical Villages Project for Together for Ryde Network and Lead Pastor of LifeWay Lutheran Church.

It’s predicted that upwards of 70% of Australians will reside in high-rise, high-density developments by 2050. How does the Church get on the front foot of this new mission frontier? How can we plant upwards and build healthy authentic community in a highly urbanised and often multi-ethnic ecosystem? Come and hear about the Together for Ryde Network’s Vertical Villages project, explore the research, and discover tools to begin a Vertical Villages conversation with your own congregation.



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm

Founder, 24-7 Prayer

Workshop Stream:

In this workshop Pete Greig unlocks powerful biblical principles to equip individuals and churches to change communities and even nations through the power of persevering intercession and faith filled spiritual warfare. At a time when many people are (wonderfully) exploring quiet contemplative prayer it’s essential that we also pray in ways that can truly change the world. As Pete says, “If I receive a terminal diagnosis please don’t send me someone who knows how to stare at a candle in silence; I’m going to need someone who knows how to lay hold of the promises of God, exercise their authority in Christ and shake the heavens on my behalf. Send me someone who knows how to pray!



Time: Tuesday 17th October, Session 2: 2:15pm – 3:15pm